
Quit Searching "What Product To Sell Online"

If you live in a house or an apartment in the United States you probably have a bathroom. In that bathroom there's usually a sink with a mirror above it. We normally use that mirror to groom ourselves to make sure we look presentable before we head out for the day.

I want you to do something a little different with that mirror today though. Look in the mirror and ask the guy or girl looking back at you a question. Ask your handsome reflection what he or she would like to buy when searching on the Internet.

Some would say you are crazy talking to yourself, yes to be an online marketer you must be a little crazy, but that's exactly what successful marketers do when researching a product to sell. I know you'll hear those who tell you that "You Are Not Your Customer". 

Yes that's true, but you are a human being and you have wants, needs and desires just like everyone else. What you are searching for is what millions of others are searching for. The real question is how can your product be seen as different?

How many weight loss programs, get rich quick schemes, and self-styled gurus have you seen on the Internet? There are millions of people out there copying each other hoping to tap into the 100's of millions of people searching on the Internet hoping to get rich. Kind of deflates your balloon doesn't it?

The problem is that most of the stuff on the Internet is not original. I know, hard to believe. People are lazy. They want to plug their debit card into their laptop upload some money to the online marketing guru du jour and sit back and watch the cash roll in.

Who wants to put in the hard work of actually creating a product that others are looking for? It's a lot of work creating a product, let alone one that will actually sell. You've got to decide where a need is, figure out if the need can be filled with an info product, create your product with your own unique experiences, find people who want your product, put it in front of their faces in an appealing way, and deliver when they hit the "Buy Now" button.

It's so much easier to buy a "business in a box". Allowing someone else to do all the work for you is one way to go but what have you learned? Did you learn how to attract attention? Did you learn how to research what sells? Did you learn how to create something desirable? No. You learned how to pull your wallet out of your back pocket, that's good because if you go the "business in a box" route you'll be doing that a lot.

What product would you want to buy? If you can answer that you will be on your way to creating your information product. The next question you need to ask is. How can I make my product not only different but be perceived as different in the eyes of potential customers?

Article Source: Donald G. Archer

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