
Max Your Cards

Personalised greeting cards for the 21st Century

Personally speaking, I have never thought of myself as a 'card sender' as such, however, with the dawn of social media, I am more aware now of my friend's birthdays and anniversary dates and, find myself more compelled to send them a congratulatory message.

A 'one liner' on a Facebook wall or a personal Tweet, may not be everyone's idea of showing you care but let's face it, it's better than no message at all. The problem with this approach is that no physical card is received by the recipient; with the personal touch of selecting an appropriate card. A visit to an exorbitantly priced High Street card shop or a bargain budget cheap shop, sends shivers down the most upstanding among us. 
Many of us are not comfortable with sending 'e-cards' (electronic messages sent via e-mail) and feel they are impersonal and detached from our human touch.
The next level up, in terms of recognition of a close friend or acquaintances' special occasion; takes us into the world of personalised on-line greeting cards.

So what are personalised greeting cards all about then? This is a question which will be raised by many people, uncomfortable with the thought of utilizing a third party to send a card to their nearest and dearest. The surprising fact is that the process of sending a card in this way is incredibly easy and, allows for creativity and a personal touch; that even the most expensive High Street card shops cannot cater for. With a simple process of 'clicking through' self explanatory instruction boxes; you can design and create a unique and individual card, bespoke to your friend or family member's favourite hobbies, loves and lifestyle. The payment process is a smooth and uncomplicated experience and, after your initial registration, the activity proves to be quicker and, even more convenient. The payment options with some companies, such as, include the novel idea of making a payment via your mobile phone billing system; both handy and convenient.

Delve into this new world of creative art and send a card to someone you know would appreciate the sentiment. Whether it is for the scorer of the winning goal in their latest Sunday League football match or your Aunt's unmentionable age milestone birthday, there is a card waiting for your personal touch and message to be sent by you. The technology of linking the service with your social media account and, receiving reminders to save embarrassment at forgetting a big day are now available. This innovation, especially in these days of long working hours and little time for leisure; contributes greatly in helping you to manage the special occasions in your life.

Article Source: Chris Horrocks

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